Bespoke advisory and training to enable your ESG performance, responsible sourcing and responsible mining

We provide bespoke advisory to clients on all of their responsible production and sourcing needs

Bespoke advisory and training to enable your ESG performance, responsible sourcing and responsible mining
Our advisory work is custom-made to fit your specific needs. Our goal is to ensure your business can meet and exceed good practice. We offer you the tools that make up a sustainable Procurement strategy that will create positive impact. At the same time, we empower you to successfully assess and manage responsible sourcing, responsible mining and ESG performance risks.

Responsible Sourcing and ESG Performance in your raw material supply chains.
Responsible Mining, Processing, and Recycling ESG de-risking of your own operations.
We enable the downstream and raw materials purchasers to:
- Conform with legislation and market requirements, such as EU Battery Regulation, EU and German Due Diligence Legislation, as well as London Metal Exchange Responsible Sourcing Requirements or the OECD Due Diligence Guidance.
- To operate an effective management system to act on supply chain risk information.
- Build your suppliers capacity to implement responsible sourcing and ESG performance.
- Measure the effectiveness and impact of responsible sourcing and ESG Performance activities.
- Publicly report and story-tell on due diligence measures and ESG performance of the supply chain.
We enable mining and processing companies to:
- Understand gaps in ESG Performance against relevant good practice, such as IRMA, IFC Performance Standards, CopperMark, RMI ESG Standard.
- Proactively manage ESG risks related to your operation and supply chain.
- Close gaps in ESG performance and exceed global benchmarks.
- Align your continuous improvement reporting to customer demands and market requirements.
- Prepare for audits and assessments to verify responsible mining and ESG performance.
- Artisanal & Small-Scale Mining Management.
Examples of work

Several automotive OEMs’ Due Diligence Management System Development
Objective: Develop a system to pragmatically manage supply chain due diligence risks across multiple raw materials.
Outcome: The client has a best practice internal process on how to collect, analyse, and report due diligence data across multiple raw materials depending on specific supply chain characteristics rather than ad hoc responses to one particular risk area.

Automotive OEM: Automotive OEM Due Diligence Management System Development
Objective: Develop a system to pragmatically manage supply chain due diligence across multiple raw materials
Outcome: The client has a best practice internal process on how to collect, analyse, and report due diligence data across multiple raw materials depending on specific supply chain characteristics rather than ad hoc responses to one particular material or risk area

ESG strategy development for Procurement @ Volvo Cars.
Objective: Advise an OEM on integrating responsible sourcing into board-level strategy for Procurement.
Outcome: Responsible sourcing integrated into board-level strategy.

Making Sense of the LME Responsible Sourcing Requirements
Objective: Provide tailored guidance to assist companies trading metals brands on the LME on how to comply with the LME responsible sourcing requirements, including the preparation of Red Flag Assessments.
Outcome: Guidance used by LME producers on their pathway to LME compliance.

Risk Management System for Integrated Nickel Producer
Objective: Develop the integrated mining and refining company’s internal management system to allow it to competently and effectively conform with market responsible mining and responsible sourcing requirements.
Outcome: Gaps against requirements assessed and filled with a pragmatic management system

Automotive OEM: Automotive OEM Due Diligence Management System Development
Objective: Develop a system to pragmatically manage supply chain due diligence across multiple raw materials
Outcome: The client has a best practice internal process on how to collect, analyse, and report due diligence data across multiple raw materials depending on specific supply chain characteristics rather than ad hoc responses to one particular material or risk area

Rio Tinto: Independent review of Chain of Custody program for diamonds
Objective: Independent review and mock assessment of chain of custody program based on industry group standards.
Outcome: The client became aware and subsequently took actions to address gaps in alignment with international good practice standards.

Cobalt Institute: Development of the Cobalt Industry Responsible Assessment Framework (CIRAF)
Objective: Develop a responsible sourcing framework for cobalt.
Outcome: The Cobalt Institute and its members have access to a good practice framework to manage and report on risks in their supply chains and report on them. They can demonstrate good practice to the market and stakeholders.
We advise you on a journey towards leadership:
Our focus areas are:

Foundation Stage:
- Ensuring compliance
- Meeting customer and stakeholder demands
Active Good Practice:
- Proactive risk assessment and management
- Pre-emptive action to satisfy customers
- Proactive public disclosure
- Reporting and demonstrating standards conformance
Industry Leadership:
- Industry leadership n
- Positive ESG impact
- Integration of ESG into corporate strategy demonstration
- Proactive stakeholder engagement on the basis of solid data
What our clients say:

Daimler 2020 Sustainability Report:
Our goal is to make our processes coincide as well as possible with the requirements of the OECD guidelines. To this end, we have analyzed our processes in cooperation with RCS Global.

Martina Buchhauser
Chief Procurement Officer and Member of the Global Management Board, Volvo Cars

Johnson Matthey Plc, Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement, Sept 2020:
In 2018 we partnered with third party advisers, RCS Global Ltd, to develop and implement a world leading responsible sourcing programme which ensures that we have full transparency ‘back to mine’ for all our raw materials that contain lithium, cobalt and nickel.

Stellantis N.V. Press Release, March 2020:
Through expertise and effective partnerships, RCS Global Group creates positive impact by enabling companies to identify, assess, mitigate, and report on human rights and environmental risks in their supply chains.RCS Global Group in the media